Why You Should Hire a Pro to Handle Your Sandblasting Project

From cleaning metal tools and removing paint and corrosion from metal surfaces to giving metal products a smooth, polished finish and creating decorative patterns on various surfaces, sandblasting has many applications in the industrial world. However, the term 'sandblasting' is a misnomer, since sand is rarely used as an abrasive media in modern abrasive blasting. There are treatment media materials that are far better and safer to use than traditional silica sand these days. [Read More]

Bronze Casting: Four Practical Precautions for Simple Sand Casting

If you are planning on creating bronze castings, you should think about using the sand casting approach. This technique is generally ideal if you are a hobbyist or have limited resources for building a foundry. The sand fabrication method involves using sand in metal casting as the moulding material. It is an effective choice for handling bronze casting work, especially on a small scale. Here are some simple guidelines to remember during your sand casting project. [Read More]

Importance of Avoiding Design Flaws When Manufacturing Plastic

Plastic fabrication is a large business, providing items and solutions to many different industries all over the world. Sometimes, the products malfunction. In most cases, the malfunctions are harmless, as the products are too small or unimportant to be a danger. However, when large items in demanding environments break, it can be an actual danger to both people and the environment. By looking over the safety protocol in your plastic manufacturing company, you can prevent these accidents, with all the suffering and lawsuits that might follow them. [Read More]

What You Need to Know About Blow and Injection Moulding

People who would like to make plastic parts have to select the method that will be used to mould those components. Blow moulding and injection moulding are some of the most common ways to make products from plastics. This article discusses these two processes and the most appropriate moulding equipment for your application. Blow Moulding Blow moulding refers to the process of clamping a mould around a tube of molten plastic into which air is being pumped. [Read More]